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Does Creativity Matters in Social Media Post 2020?

Go-Designy is a leading Digital Marketing Agency in NY and worldwide. We shares the best ideas and insights into social media and technology's impact on business, society, and culture.

In 2020, millions of people are connected via the web and rely heavily on social media channels for news and general entertainment. Social media isn’t just for play, businesses and brands worldwide are strategizing marketing plans on their social channels in order to advertise and sell their products.

Though there is more to it than just posting content every day – if you just do that, you may never see results. Social media takes time and patience to actually get where you want. It may seem tedious, but with the right tactics, creativity and positive attitude, you may get insta-famous sooner than you think.

Are you ready to become the next Insta-star in 2020? Read on below because we will get you started on some creative tactics that guarantee you get noticed:

Does Creativity Matters in Social Media Post 2020
Does Creativity Matters in Social Media Post 2020

* Be Relatable, Tell Your Story

Social media allows you to be your own personality, it always you to get creative and personable – be the brand that your audience can easily relate to. For instance, in a most recent post, Adidas posted a picture of a pair of their sneakers, with a caption that stated, “Create the future, together. Join us and run to become part of the movement. Click the link in our bio to find out more.”

Instead of a boring caption like “Click the link in our bio for more information on the movement,” Adidas created a unique and captivating caption, while followed by a call-to-action line, which is another great factor you should consider when you post content to your pages.

* Experiment with Longer Posts

We might have heard that social media posts should be kept to a minimum, but depending on the social media platform you are using, you can experiment with your post lengths to drive engagement.

This links to being able to tell your story, the more information you share with your audience, the more they can easily relate to you. Both LinkedIn and Google Plus are ideal for experimenting long-form messages to you audience, but also social channels like Instagram and Facebook can be a great platform to use as well.

* Leave with an Open-Ended Question

Asking questions or polling your audience can be an effective way to increase participation. Leave your audience with a question relatable to the product post like, “It’s almost the holidays, what is on your shopping wish list this year? Get some inspiration and shop for the best gifts yet: {insert link}.” This way you are asking a specific question and receiving a desired response.

* Always Stay Positive!

While all brands can be different, be the brand that spreads only positivity! The internet can be a very dark place and you may not receive the best responses to everything, but that shouldn’t bring you or your company down. A recent study found that brands who posted happier tweets actually gained more followers than those who posted with a negative tone.

* Focus on Inbound Traffic

Social media is a great way to drive traffic to your website. With using the mentioned above tactics, always look to provide value to your followers by including relevant posts that link to other profiles or articles. When posting, call-to-actions are recommended at the end of your message to encourage people to visit your website.

Inbound traffic will also improve your chances of securing leads and sales, as well as boosting your SEO rank.

* Create Shareable Content

It’s easier said than done – but for a second, be in your audience’s shoes, what would you enjoy or want to see? Figure out what most people can relate to (obviously that is relevant to your brand) and think of something that is funny but witty. Try to be bold and creative that sparks an “aha!” or a “ha ha!” – While still sending out your marketing message.

Who knows your one tweet or post might be the next trending maniac!

* Stay Consistent!

It’s very important to stay consistent when posting on your social channel accounts. Consistency in style, voice and value sets a level of expectation for you and your customers. It’s an excellent way for your audience to get a grasp of your brand and what it represents.

Don’t be posting about shoes one day and then cars the next day. Figure out what the theme is for your brand and stick with it.

Are you ready to succeed in the social media world 2020? Use these above tips to finally get started in getting noticed in the social media.

To know any type of consulting advice regarding Creative and smartly Social media marketing call us (516)-888-6818 or visit our website


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